

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Abundance Works: Sports Day

With spring here now it is time to face the events calendar at your school. For those who work in public sector it is customary to have a Sports day during the spring or early summer. This is when the kiddos get out on the field and compete in various athletic events. In my experience of this here in Korea, I have seen games ranging from the strange to ridiculous. Usually schools start off the event with a warm up exercise to the tune of music. All right, today I will show you various accounts of bloggers encounters with Sports day in Korea.

1. The Harrington Times: What's fun is not just seeing the students participate but often parents will get involved. They usually compete for prizes, but these aren't fabulous things. Rather usually the prizes are household goods or in some cases bottles of soju. A good post with some nice pictures too, that show this day mostly allows kids to take it easy.

2. I'm No Picasso: As someone who has only stayed in the Elementary level of teaching I've often wondered what Sports Day is like at Middle or High school in Korea. Here we can get a glimpse of the fun these older kids get to have. Mostly looks like kids being kids and teacher getting to hang out with them.

4. The Seoul Patch: Back in 2009 Mr. Seoul Patch enjoyed Sports Day at his high school. His school had the typical fair of games but as basketball championships. Looks like a lot of fun.

5. A Search for Happiness: Most of the time you aren't really aware this event is going to take place until your coteacher comes to you and tells you. In this case it can ruin the fun because you aren't prepared to take in what is about to happen. In her case the day was really hot so it was a bit tough to enjoy. But I like this post as the Sports that happened were somewhat traditional.

Have you enjoyed Sports day at your school? Please, do share.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for featuring my blog. ^^ The sports day at my new high school was also in the Fall...and it rained. I actually hid pretty much the whole time in the teacher room. When I did come out, to watch the relay races, I ended up half carrying one of the girls back to the school (she had pulled a muscle or twisted her knee...I still don't know which)
