- Bathhouse Ballads: Fun name there right? Certainly just the name of this blogger's site gets you interested. I looked back in their archives and found this post about Korean apples. What's so special about them? Well they taste great and have other delicious qualities. Checkout their post to find out more.
2. Annyoung!: From delicious apples I will take you now to something a little bit less yummy. Well for some that is. In this post we get to see three different kinds of food in Korea that are quite strange. Go check out the post and learn a thing or two about oddball foods Korean people eat.
3. A Seoulful Life: From the tasty corner of the world I now take you to the more contemplative and transportative realm. In this post you can see a ten minute bus ride of what it is like to ride along the streets of Korea, and during the rainy summer time. I too enjoy the bus ride (when the interior is comfy) and looking out onto this land.
4.아름답다, ah-lum-dahp-dah: A great blog and one you should check out more. For today I bring you a post she wrote about her trip to a dog cafe. Not a clue what that is? Well go take a look and find out. Certainly a very warm and fuzzy one.
I hope these finds today show you the vast array of experiences and tidbits on life here in Korea.
Ha, ha, thanks for the prompt!